Learning Disabilities
Learning Disability Support
Having a learning disability means that people find it harder to learn certain life skills. The problems experienced vary from person to person, but may include aspects such as learning new things, communication managing money, reading, writing, or personal care. In some cases, people with learning disabilities may display behaviour that challenges, thereby putting themselves or others at risk. At Premier Care Support, our fully vetted and highly skilled staff provide high quality support to those with learning disabilities. Our staff are trained around learning disabilities and are compassionate around their client’s needs-including their basic rights, freedom, inclusion, equality, choice, the chance to have ordinary things such a love, friendship, money, a job, and contributing to the community. Our staff are trained in Positive Behaviour Support Plan and RRN (Restrain Reduction Network) techniques, accredited by BILD, which aims at preventing and managing any behaviours that challenges. On receiving your enquiry, our professional team will meet with you and yours loved ones and coproduce a highly tailored plan keeping your choices and wishes, thereby promoting a meaningful and fulfilling life.

What happens?
Following your enquiry, we will carry out a detailed assessment of needs and propose an outcome focused support plans, bearing in mind your choices and wishes.
We can offer target oriented short and long-term plans, which are focused on enablement and rehabilitation. Your proposed support will be highly flexible, ranging from a few hours a day to 24/7 care from trained staff.
For further enquiry, please call us on 01494412957 or [email protected].