Complex Health Needs Support

At Premier Care Support, our specialist team comprises of professionals with several years of enriched experience of working in the NHS in a variety of clinical and managerial roles. This along with our mission to support clients in the comfort of their own homes, whilst focusing on their enablement and rehabilitation has allowed us in supporting clients with a complex health presentation, which may include a combination of the following:

  • Learning disabilities
  • Personality Disorders
  • Acquired Brain Injury
  • Spinal Cord Injury
  • PEG feeding
  • Complex Physical Health Issues
  • Behaviour that challenges
  • Forensic History
  • Those under DOLS
photo of two man and one woman standing near tree

Advantages of Complex Healthcare at home

  • Prevents a sense of isolation
  • Prevents risks of hospital acquired infections
  • More freedom
  • Reduces burdon on family members who may otherwise have to take the caring responsibilities.
  • Prevents or reduces hospital/ care home days
  • Better health outcomes
  • Better quality of life
  • You stay in the comfort of your own home
  • Access to family and local community

What happens?

Following your enquiry, we will carry out a detailed assessment of needs and propose an outcome focused support plans, bearing in mind your choices and wishes. We can offer target oriented short and long-term plans, which are focused on enablement and rehabilitation. Your proposed support will be highly flexible, ranging from a few hours a day to 24/7 care from trained staff.

For further enquiry, please call us on 01494412957 or [email protected].

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