At Premier Care Support, our specialist team comprises of professionals with several years of enriched experience of working in the NHS in a variety of clinical and managerial roles. This along with our mission to support clients in the comfort of their own homes, whilst focusing on their enablement and rehabilitation has allowed us in supporting clients with a complex health presentation, which may include a combination of the following:

End of life care is support for people who are in the last months or years of their life. People who are approaching the end of their life are entitled to high-quality care, where possible in the comfort of their home environment.

End of life care should help you to live as well as possible until you die and to die with dignity.

You have the right to express your wishes about where you would like to receive care and where you want to die. You can receive end of life care at home, in a care home, hospice or be cared for in hospital, depending on your needs and preference.

hospital bed near couch

5 priorities for care

  • Experts have agreed that there are 5 important priorities for the care and support that you and your carers can expect to receive in the last few days and hours of life.
  • You should be seen by a doctor regularly and if they believe you will die very soon, they must explain this to you and the people close to you.
  • The staff involved in your care should talk sensitively and honestly to you and the people close to you.
  • You and the people close to you should be involved in decisions about how you are treated and cared for, if this is what you want.
  • The needs of your family and other people close to you should be met as far as possible.

An individual plan of care should be agreed with you and delivered with compassion.

At Premier Care Support, we specialise in providing end of life care, keeping in mind your wishes and preferences whilst devising your support plans. We will also support your family, carers or other people who are important to you.

What happens?

Following your enquiry, we will carry out a detailed assessment of needs and propose an outcome focused support plans, bearing in mind your choices and wishes. We can offer target oriented short and long-term plans, which are focused on enablement and rehabilitation. Your proposed support will be highly flexible, ranging from a few hours a day to 24/7 care from trained staff.

For further enquiry, please call us on 01494412957 or [email protected].

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